2019 Killer Affair TV Show on Oxygen Network
2018 - Dan Zupansky Blog Talk Radio Interview about Taking Tori book.

2015- Snapped episode on Michelle Byrom.
2014 - Interviewed by Fiona Quinn on inmate liaison work for her crime writers blog ThrillWriting.
2012- Interviewed by Joy Krause and Jmac Productions for their documentary on prison relationships.
2012- Interviewed by Erica Diamond for an article called My Friends on Death Row for the Women on the Fence blog.
2011- Interviewed by Vice Magazine at the attempted execution of Hank Skinner in Texas for their documentary about women who fall in love with death row inmates.
Your blog has it absolutely right on the case against my daughter Darlie Routier. Not only is she innocent but also a victim of this crime like the rest of the family. The state of Texas doesn't like to admit they are wrong so they continue to hurt the victims and allow the murderer of Devon and Damon Routier to be free to kill again. Shame on Texas. Stealing our lives and twisting the truth into lies. Their day will come and we will fight and expose the truth. Our system in Texas is based on overzealous prosecutors and inept police departments. They are the ones who should be in prison.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much. I have believed in DArlie from the very beginning. Things just didn't add up for me.
DeleteMe too. She just had too many injuries to have done it to herself. EVERY ONE HAS SEEN THEM YET NO ONE WILL ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG
DeleteKelly, genuine question: is there anyone on DR, or serving life, you believe is actually guilty?
ReplyDeleteYes. I believe most are guilty but there are some who I truly believe are not. Debra Milke was one. I dont do this because I think everyone is innocent. I do it because the death penalty makes no sense. It is my hope that the people serving life and death sentences can change their lives and in the process change the people they are sending back out on the street. Thanks for asking. People rarely do.
DeleteHer knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasn't taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldn't have been knocked down, Domain didn't bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? Worldwide attn and any dna testing? She refused. Why? She knows her daughter did this. Her fans say necklace was embedded, had to be surgically removed but it simply fell off when bandage removed. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Her wounds were superficial & she didn't know what/where carotid was. She was lucky she didn't kill herself. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? She's guilty. http://www.darlieroutierfactandfiction.com/
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right! Routier is so very guilty and anyone with half a brain and any inclination to do a nickel's worth of research into the real facts can quickly discern the truth from the fiction being peddled by people like her mother. BTW, I saw zero facts in the mother's comment. Kelly B. needs to take a moment and do a bit of digging, instead of pandering to folks like this baby killer.