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Showing posts from April, 2019

Stephany LaFountain Killed her 2 Children 2 Years Apart

Stephany was an Army wife . We have all been told how hard that can be. They are home alone for months or years at a time to take care of the family without aid of a spouse. She is charged with killing her two daughters. One in 2015 and another in 2017. Her case made the news when cops found a search for how to get away with murder on her computer an hour before calling 911 for the death of her second child. She also searched for best ways to suffocate and other nefarious topics. She got away with the first murder. Two years later she killed another one. I guess feeling brave since she'd done so well with the first. On Nov. 20, 2017, Stephany LaFountain called authorities for help at her home on the Fort Wainwright military base in Fairbanks, Alaska, according to police reports. Her 13-month-old had stopped breathing. She called her in-laws, telling them she'd been trying CPR. She called her husband, who was away on deployment. He rushed home while their baby girl was fl

Nonfiction Writer's Happy Planner

A GREAT BIG, FAT hello and Thank You to Neva and Mike for supporting us on Patreon.

Reasoning of the Heart

The reason for this blog began years ago when I began working as a crime reporter for a small town newspaper. I had an interest in female crime and the job gave me access to information I had not previously been able to access. One of the first things I began to realize is how many more women commit murder than we, the public, were assuming at that point. This was before Snapped, and the ID Channel were making waves. The next thing I noticed was how many of these condemned women were actually innocent. Sometimes not so much innocent of their crimes, but innocent of the situation. When women kill it is most often because of a REASON. By this I mean that men will kill on a whim, because they are angry or hurt. Women rarely commit murder without a very clear and defined reason. As I started to write to these women on death row and in orison for life, I learned that they are simply women. Hurt, broken, lost women. Some admit their crimes and try to explain their frame of mind at the

Patreon Alert Scandelaous Video Unveiled

Become a Patron! A quick reminder to our Patreon subscribers. A new video went up today. I put it up early in this true crime journey of mine. I was excited to be getting these letters. I was one of the first people to try a true crime-ish channel. I wish Id stuck with it because so many are just covering the net now. But I gave it a shot and no one liked my general attitude. I was called scandalous, shameful, etc. I got a lot of death threats and threats against my children. I think I talk about Josh Wade and some giant amazon lady called my house for 6 months after. Anyway. I took it down, but for a limited time it is available to Patreon subscribers this week so enjoy laughing at me :) Become a subscriber to The Woman Condemned Patreon Page to get special surprises, perks, and benefits in addition to the blog content. Join for just $1!

Margie Thompson Killed Her BFs Mom and Gpa in Indiana

Indiana state troopers and Dearborn County detectives found the bodies of Walter Bryant Jr., 78, and his daughter Faith Craig, 58, inside their Douglas Drive home as they conducted a welfare check Jan. 19. An investigation quickly pointed to Faith Craig's son, Cody Booth and his girlfriend, Margie Thompson. Police began searching for them and found them in Kentucky. Booth told police he woke up dope sick that Wednesday morning, along with his girlfriend Margie, and the only thing he had on his mind was getting money and more drugs to keep them from getting sicker. He admitted to killing his mom and grandfather, who was a decorated vet. They stole money, military medals, and jewelry. His first plan was to strangle his mom. He crept up behind her as she sat in her favorite chair. He had a belt in his hand but lost his nerve. He sat in her lap. He told her he loved her. He told her he was struggling. She must have felt his madness slipping in because she told him he was about t

Jamie Silvonek New Information

Jamie Silvonek is the Pennsylvania teen that conspired with her older boyfriend to murder her mother. I was looking for something recent to tell me what shed been up to since the trial. I could find nothing really relevant to her specifically. I did see where her boyfriend, Army Spc. Caleb Barnes of El Paso, Texas was found guilty of first degree murder in 2016. He was accused of killing Cheryl Silvonek in March 2015 in Pennsylvania. Her now-18-year-old daughter, Jamie, pleaded guilty and is serving 35 years to life. Jamie Silvonek, testified for the defense and described how Barnes slit her mother's throat. Both of them escaped the death penalty. The only thing you could consider recent is this March 2018 article Jamie wrote for The Juvenile Justice Information Exchange  titled; We Women With Long Sentences Still Keep Hope Alive . She talks about her guilt and looking for redemption. She also talks about her higher chances of getting a commutation. Interesting read. Jamie an

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

The True Crime Community is truly some of the most awesome people in the world. Interesting, generous, open-minded. Just cool, folks. A bunch of them have sent me some cool stuff to give to my readers during the month of April. The really cool part is the pot will grow all through the month as I get more donations and find other cool stuff to add to it. Here is the other cool part. It is the simplest contest in the world. Comments. That's it. During the first week of May I will count up the comments made in April and top poster wins the prize! Ill be giving more information on prizes and additional ways to enter soon. In the mean time, you better comment on this post!!