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Showing posts from January, 2016

Kelly's Obscure Prison Observation of the Day

I offer every woman I write to a free book every quarter. I always choose three, a nonfiction book, a fiction and something technical like a how to or something similar. I print them a handout that has the available books and a description. This quarter one of the books was about hair braiding and had 25 different styles. Usually they choose an assortment, a few go with the popular fiction, some with a book on some historic figure. This time, however, every, single one wanted the book on braids. I was really surprised. I don't think that's ever happened in all the years I have been doing this. I got curious and went back through the files to see how many had long hair. Only about half of the women I write to have hair long enough to braid. Curious, I asked the next one of them who called. Apparently, knowing how to do some really painstakingly elaborate braids is a lucrative business venture in women's prison. This fascinated me to no end so I started thinking of art
Trying to help these death row women is no piece of cake. You often get shit on in return for your hard work and dollars spent. You get your feelings hurt a lot too. Cynthia Coffman had her attorney send me a letter saying that she knew since I was a friend I would gleefully remove her from this blog. I really liked her too, but some nitwit that reads this blog wrote to her and told her I was selling her letters online. A complete fabrication but what can I do? She doesn't believe me. Forgive me if I don't understand, but how is taking her off the one website that is in support of her and leaving up the shit hole sites that revel in her crimes going to help at all? Go figure. Then there is Michelle Tharp. Another nitwit who frequents the women of death row support group I belong to and who fancies himself some kind of super hero to Michelle has written to her and told her her letters are on the site. They are not and have not been. I did write the short ebook "Bitch

Heather Leavell-Keaton Fed her Tiny Step-children Antifreeze and Dumped Them in the Woods

Heather Leavell-Keaton is an Alabama woman, the first from Mobile County, who was sentenced to death in August of 2015, for the murder, torture and abuse of the corpses of her two step-children in 2010.  The children's father, John DeBlase, received the same sentence. By her own admission we know she was hardily covetous of the two children, Natalie, 5 and Chase, 3. Natalie was a particular thorn in her side because of the way family members treated her. She was loved by her extended family and they showed it. Heather hated how Natalie was treated like a princess while she was ignored. The couple spent months, perhaps years abusing and torturing the kids. Burning them with cigarettes, binding them with duct tape and shoving them in suitcases, closets and crawl spaces for 10 - 12 hours at a time. They also bound them to broom handles and forced them to stand in a corner of the room for hour upon hour. Authorities believe Heather killed both children. She has experimented wit