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Showing posts from April, 2015

Amanda Taylor Virginia

Amanda Taylors Facebook  Can we just take a moment and say WTF? If any woman has ever just went completely batshit, it is Amanda Barbara Nichole Taylor and is so often the case, it didn't have to happen. The people who loved her tried with all their might to stop her madness and the people they turned to for help dropped the ball. Now there is death and destruction to deal with and it is Amanda who will be punished for it. Rex Taylor & Grandfather Amanda and her husband Rex had a torrid love affair marked with drug abuse. Rex hung himself in August of 2014 and Amanda was left a widow with two children at the ripe old age of 24. A short time after his death, Amanda found some letters he had left for her detailing life long, horrific abuse by his father. She had suffered from personality issues her entire life and like most, self-medicated with drugs and alcohol. When Rex hung himself, things grew worse for Amanda. The fact that his father, Charles, had started him on d

Anonymous Thank Yous

Yesterday I sent out the book orders for the women on death row for March. $645. Ouch. This isn't always easy for me guys. I have 7 children in the house and that alone takes a lot of time and money. What I do for these gals is a labor of love. While I do receive donations every now and again, for the most part I provide these services out of pocket. When I realized how much the Amazon bill was going to be this month I started to feel sick. We are building an addition to our home, have a Easter trip planned tomorrow and as I said, 7 kids. While I love what I do in the prison system and feel a definite sense of pride for what it accomplishes, I don't want to take away from my family to do it. I tweeted about the issue and decided to wait until later in the evening to make the payment. We colored Easter eggs, made some Shrinky Dinks and grilled some chicken legs. A spring storm ran through and I lost Internet connection for an hour or so. Throughout all the family fun, my