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Darlie Routier Texas

I was contacted by a penpal of Darlie Routier's who gave me some of the most recent advances in her case to share with you all.

I began writing to Darlie in December of 2005 and she is one woman whom I will never understand how she got behind bars. Really. You know what else? With all the information ALREADY out there about this case, in addition to the newly discovered info, I think if you can't see this poor woman's innocence, you may just be an asshole.

So many legal flubs, so much question and police innuendo that turned out to be nothing. So many fingers pointed and road blocks thrown up, I am surprised this case isn't used in other countries to point to the clusterfuck we call a justice system.

 I believe Darlie could have been released ages ago if the state had done the necessary DNA testing. Sadly, Texas has tried to stop it in every unconstitutional way they could pull out of a bull's ass. BUT- there is hope on the horizon.

This from Camp Darlie:

 Right now we are in dire need of donations.  That is the biggest thing (as always).

The courts had previously ruled against Darlie on DNA testing.  BUT, since the Michael Morton Act, we can FINALLY (legally - by law) have some of these items tested for DNA that we requested YEARS ago.
But here comes the hiccup, of course...  The State's labs supposedly "do not have the technology" needed to do some of the requested DNA analysis.  So, therefore, we have to have a hearing, and prove to the same already prejudice Dallas courts that the requested DNA will "most likely result in her exoneration."  Interesting to note:  Texas just ruled AGAINST Rodney Reed, who is now set to be executed in weeks, on the same type of motion.
Donations can be made through

SO, there you have it folks. Texas knows full well they are executing innocent people. I have said for years they keep Darlie locked up because they KNOW they screwed the pooch on this one.

Mark my words, this lady will be free some day and Texas will hear her roar.


  1. Well said Kelly... Thank you for caring and not being afraid to tell it like it is!!!! And as for name calling and temper tantrums; they will no doubt come. Be ready... The truth is GOING to come out in this case. And we WILL get that print put in AFIS, even if it has to wait until the Federal Level. But my point is; why CONTINUE to waste time with her LIFE? If she's going to be freed and you are going to get sued; may as well get on with it. No need tacking on more and more years... Such a disgrace. There are a great many things that I like about Texas, but the INjustice system is NOT one of them!

    1. But yet you claim to be anti death penalty ?

    2. Again a very intelligent comment LOL .

    3. Maybe I should make it more fecal related like your supporter friend below

    4. David Kirkpatrick11:09 AM
      Bryan, I know you would NEVER put any of your money anywhere near where your mouth is. Kelly described you and you ilk as an asshole where only feces comes out of your mouth and on to this blog. I did witness personally Judge Robert Francis TAMPER with Susan Simmons testimony at the falsified transcript hearing. My report about this was covered up by the Texas Commission for Judicial Conduct. It is YOU that CANNOT prove your fecal nonsense Here is this better??

  2. I Absolutely Agree !! With Both Kelly and Stephanie . Darlie will be freed soon what a day of Rejoicing that will be . and the real killer will be behind bars that's if he's not already.. Horrible Injustice Texas needs to just make it RIGHT already and let Darlie Go home .

  3. I have always had my doubts on this case. I feel just as strongly as you all concerning her innocence. Too many holes on this case.

  4. Darlie is innocent & needs to be released as soon as possible. The violation of Brady law with evidence of innocence should set her free..,& statements from jurors & Barbara Davis believing in her innocence after all evidence was seen after the trial.

    1. Babs wrote about the brusing photos she claims to never have seen in her book

    2. aaaahaahha Yeah right because Texas cares what Barb Davis has to say. Get real Walter.

    3. What Jurors William? There was only One and he is just a tad bit slow if you havent seen my interview with Charels Samford look it up on you tube.... and remember he says he and his wife were flown to NYC to do the show "THE VIEW" on this case ( the VIEW never did a spot on this case)Samford also debunked the supporter claim that he went to visit Darlie and she forgave him, HE also said he got the BOOK Media TRied Justice Denied written by KATHY CRUZ from Darlie Kee it wasnt written by Kathy Cruz it was written by "Goofy Fuck" AS Darlies defense lawyer JSteven Cooper calls Him< Chris Brown Where do you come up with this JURORS Crap it was only one and he is clearly confused as to his surroundings He says in public he changed his mind because he didnt see the photos of Darlies bruising , even though they were all shown But if you look up Affidavit of Charles Samford ( Thats Darlie kee suggested he file) he gives a different story as to why he changed his mind.....Barb Davis what a JOKE she says she changed her mind because she didnt see the photos of the bruising..BUT she wrote about the photos of the bruising in her book..EXPLAIN THAT??

    4. About as much as they care about putting innocent people behind bars and your opinions Christine

    5. Tracey we would care about your opinions but you put them only in closed supporter groups where we cant see them.... come on out from under that rock and prove us WRONG.... you have no dont know the case and you hide behind a wall of secrecy...oh what a plan it is of yours to spread the word ( to other supporters) from closed groups where you all agree dont bring a knife ( NO PUN INTENDED) to a gun fight

    6. That could be because you have blocked so many of us from your "friendly" groups, Bryan. I personally have been blocked from your page, Linda's page and Pamela's page for no reason whatsoever. That leads me to believe that you don't want to hear our side - you don't want to hear the evidence which shows that Darlie Routier should not be on Texas Death Row.

    7. You were removed from the pages because you bait and report people Damian and when you report posts that means you arent willing to LOSE a debate you report posts then lie about it you report pages then lie about it we arent playing that game with you mister

    8. Lol we don't lose debates , we lose your attacks because none of us will stoop to the levels you will to hurt innocent people

    9. Are you kidding me MO Ney should I post some of your crap here

    10. Tracey can you explain why Barb Davis wrote about the bruising she now claims to have never seen?

    11. Tracey whats your take on First responding officer SGT David Wadell encountering the intruder on the lawn and allowing him to run off..this has been a long standing claim by supporters to include Darins mother Sarlida. Is the neighbor Gorush Lying on the stand and if he is doesnt that debunk the " whole neighborhood loved them" if their neighbors would lie on them?

    12. Damian, you were removed from my page because you were baiting and reporting people. You have been personally insulting and were warned. But you choose to still act like..well never mind like continued to cause trouble. So stop whining and get over it. NONE of us are afraid to debate the case with you, we just got tired of "going ring around the rosy" with you. I don't have the time nor the inclination to listen to your "spin" you put on things.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Linda Belair, since I haven't been personally insulting, especially in contrast with Bryan's behaviour, I think the reason you removed me was very clear.

    15. Damian so whenever someone asks your sister a question that means they want to bang her...YOU made a comment to me asking if I was a real man I said go ask your sister.. the sexuall innuendo is all in your brain..

    16. Tracey why is it you NEVER answer case related Questions EVER

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I believe !!!! I'm riding the FREE DARLIE TRAIN. THIS WOMAN HAS SUFFERED an I JUSTICE BY TEXAS for 18 yrs. It's time for her to come home

    1. "I believe I can fly" I believe I can touch the sky"

      I believe in I justice too

    2. Revenge is not justice

    3. Nor is fabrications of what the truth really is ...MY revenge is to out the lies the Dartards tell ..and by GOD it works

    4. The truth is you have admitted to me the wrongs of this case but because you have a problem with this family you will not stop .

    5. NO I most certainly DID NOT.....I have told you what I tell everyone else....I realize theres a very very slight chance that there could be more to it..this case is a very tricky one.. supporters are not stupid.. she wouldnt have so many if there were point blank cut and drys smoking guns..IM waiting for yall to show me one thing that says she is innocent because when I left support I had no battles with the family..I even talked to Danelle here and there afterward...the shit with the family came straight from DK messing with me and flapping her yappers about why she thought I left support Supporters have domne alot of shit to me..what i do is defend myself and I have learned to be aggressive with you folks..In this case..Darlies support system has ALWAY made attempts to kill the messenger by defaming thier name calling them drunks liars cheats ANYONE...even the Kerrville Court had a seperate exit for the prosecuters because family and supporters followed them to thier cars rot in hell your gonna burn IM not one to back down from the BS I have a right just like anyone else to stand for what I believe in I dont not create secret facebook rooms on any of you dedicated to diggin up whatever info you can on me stalking my familys pages and posting addresses jobs accusing me of killing my own neice... damn right I dont trust you folks and im not tolerating your BS yalls actions LIKE Davids post still being there but Im being called a bully...yalls actions leads me to believe more in her guilt see my latest video?? Remember she called Me..But im the harassing one?? Save the Pity Party

    6. You think Id admit any thing to you chick??
      NO One is buying that BS

  6. I probably would have not use the language that Kelly did, but this case is so enraged me it is hard for me not to use that kind of language too. Darlie Lynn Routier is INNOCENT beyond a shadow of a doubt. I know she is TOTALLY INCAPABLE of even thinking about murdering her two sons from when I visited her in 1999 when I was privileged to be able to go see her in the Dallas County Jail. The Dallas County Prosecutors like Greg Davis, Toby shook as well as Judge Robert Francis are all guilty of attempted capital murder in this case. I am sure Darlie Lynn Routier will be set free soon, but if she was executed all of them would be guilty of capital murder and should be executed if the death penalty is to have any meeting.

    1. Dave can you please send me 2000 bucks?? LOL

    2. Well wheres your proof? David Kirkpatrick you are fascinated by boobs dude..when are one of you going to prove me wrong??Yall always come up with this shit you cant prove come to my page David lets debate this case and Ill factully BURY you

    3. Another intelligent post by the one and only Bryan St John lol

    4. Hey Bryan why do you claim Darlie had hours to stage the scene when in fact Davis himself says at most 90 minutes ? Why did you tell me Waddell is a liar but yet defend him here. Why do you act as if you know personal details about Darlie and her life before this crime when in fact you know nothing . Better yet why if darlie sits on death row are you so he'll bent on this hate campaign ? Because YOU know there is so much wrong with this case and you are afraid of justice for Darlie. Why do you spend your every waking hour attacking the people that Damon and Devon loved and then say you are advocating for them ?

    5. What I told you about Wadell is the same thing I told DK on the phone He swallows too much when hes talking and he has a fixed stare and it seems ofdd to me, I never once said he was a liar I said he seems weird to me I told darlies mom the same thing...I do not claim to know details of Darlies life before the crime because i do not know her, I know what I have read through people I have talked to..what I put out is nothing that cannot be backed up without a source DAVID Tracey you were not there when I left support you did not see the shit these people said about me regarding my defection..I did not leave support then come back to annoy supporters they came with bullshit lies about romantic interests,( Which MIKE C wrote Darlie and she denied any such thing out of me) THen It was we worked for Greg Davis Then it was we actually committed this crime blah blah yadda.When I see a flat out lie posted that some supporter puts up its an attack on Devon and Damon to me.....I do not spend my every waking hour doesn't take long to log on and find the BULLSHIT I work full time take care of my wife my house my kids...I Make time for this......DK wants to post my personal information?Send me mail Demanding my fingerprints accusing me of Killing these little boys...UHH UHH I see a Lie I am ON it...why did they hate so much...when I left support...walked away from free darlie I wasnt a dick about it..I just said I do not feel she is innocent and heresyour new admin Dave Moff when I gave Free Darlie too him..I dint fight with no one I just LEFT and then I see these whack jobs posting thier assumptions as to why I left... you think I would just sit back and not say shit??They were pissed I dumped support you mention some funeral songs people could play for me and threaten me with the Iron Horseman...Do you think Devon and Damon Loved the people who killed them and fabricated things in order to protect that killer...would YOU if you were murdered?

    6. To answer your question about the time..Darin says he went upstairs and fell asleep about 11 30 Darlie had 3 hours to do what she felt she needed to do

    7. Even Barb Davis Says the same thing...the time line is a figment of someones imagination there is no timeline..the time starts when Darlie called 911...and there was no pICTURE of that..what changed her mind?

  7. Thank you for this blog. My daughter is truly innocent and a victim of this crime. It is a shame that the state doesn't admit they are wrong or consult the family victims about our feelings. Devon and Damon Routier's killer is free to kill again. Thanks to overzealous prosecutors and inept police departments that only want one thing from this case, to advance their careers. I don't know what else we will need to do but this family will never give up until Darlie Routier is free.

    1. Another prime example of a wasted post . This is just another personal attack against a family who has suffered tremendously . Good job Antis lol

    2. You must not of read that family members post, isnt that family memeber attacking I did not attack i stated the facts if you call the truth an attack then SUE me

  8. I don't know how many times I've caught myself cursing like a sailor over aspects of this case. I am only human, afterall, and it is absolutely infuriating. Getting Darlie Lynn home where she belongs is only half of the battle; 1/3 actually. I want JUSTICE - true justice - for Devon and Damon. I want the fingerprint put in AFIS. I want all unknown DNA from the crime scene put in CODIS. I want an ACTIVE investigation, which should have been done in 1996. I know I will never give up. I pray I do not go to my grave still wondering who attacked Darlie, left her for dead, and murdered her children. Not only does Darlie need to come home, but she needs to be FULLY EXONERATED so that an investigation into the murders of Devon and Damon can BE investigated, lest we wind up with another WM3 mess, where they can't even pursue the real killer because of their ridiculous "Alford" plea.

    1. It might not be so infuriating if supporters could effectively debate with facts and not fiction,
      Example: You Posted that Wadell had to tell Darlie to get off the phone with 911
      That is incorrect
      Listen to the 911 call Doris Tramell told Darlie to get off the phone after Wadell Arrived

      Darlie to Tramell "I hang up now??

      Tramell to Darlie "Yes"

      Darlie had to ASK if she hung up now??

      Why not just automatically hang up and help your dying child....?? Staged all of it

    2. Waddell lies when he claims to have instructed Darlie several times to
      Help her children , quite the opposite , you hear him instructing her to
      Sit down , oh ok lie down

    3. You cant administer help while sitting??

    4. So you have a recording of what occured after she hung up with 911??

  9. Your all very welcome. Darlie has continued to inspire and enlighten me for over 10 years. She is an incredibly strong woman who deserves her freedom.

  10. Kellie, I followed the Darlie case for quite awhile following the murder of her two children. I would be reserved in judging her based on he media's portrayal of how the events unfolded or her guilt or innocence. If you really want to know truth about her guilt or innocence you can not rely on the media's version of the truth. The media is there to "sell a product" so they will glamourize the truth in order to "soar product sales."

    1. So when we see the media claim she is innocent does that work the same way

    2. No it means people are taking notice

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Yes, Wendy. You are correct.

    5. Kelly thanks
      for removing my posts LOL show that you are scared of the truth

    6. I just removed the ones where you sound like a bully. Your welcome. Please remember, you do not have to post your opinions here if you dont like how I do things. Your welcome to post on the millions of other blogs and forums with an opinion on Darlie.

    7. Kelly save your blog ! Lol

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Its easy to see how someone could think she is innocent to Damian when yall hide in closed groups and talk only among each other

    2. Bryan, you don't let supporters into your groups. I have no problem being the only supporter in a group of 300 people. You know that. So why have you removed and blocked me? I think I know the answer ;)

    3. Because you are a troll Damian..Perhaps I do let supporters in my groups any f them are welcome Hell they can even bring their sisters

    4. Then why don't you let us all in, Bryan? Is it, perhaps, due to fear?

    5. Is tht why you blocked me from yur new page and delted all my comments that DEBUNK the crap you and the HEAD nurse post Damian just yesterday..scared much??

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Simple, Bryan. You banned me from your page; I banned you from ours. One good turn deserves another.

    9. Well we can still see it and IM sorry but none of us want any part of that..... LOL I got fired from my job as a dishwasher..LOL REALLY..see the videos on my page....

  12. I encourage everyone to visit the following 4 websites which provide access to evidence, trial transcripts, crime scene pictures, reports, affidavits and other court documents. Darlie Routier, in my opinion, should not have been convicted. The truth is in the details.


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