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Showing posts from February, 2015

Killing Kelly - Mother Nature Puts in Her Two Cents

Kelly Gissendaner Greg Owen It seems Mother Nature has said Hell No to executing Kelly Renee Gissendaner. Hours before her scheduled execution, the DOC announced scheduling complications due to weather called for a postponement of the execution until Monday. According to CNN, the DOC spokeswoman Gwendolyn Hogan said in an email, "due to weather and associated scheduling issues," they had to reschedule. Did mother nature snow in the executioner? Was there a power outage to old sparky? Did the FedEx truck driver carrying the killer drugs veer off the icy road and plunge to his own unnatural death? How cruel it is to have this woman prepare for her death, eat her last meal, say her last words and then hours before the moment, claim a scheduling SNAFU and give her a few days more? How sick is that? Kelly will die Monday, while Greg Owen, the man who beat her husband with a nightstick and stabbed him in the neck 10 times lives on.

Elita “Gaby” Maldonado - Nevada

Elita “Gaby” Maldonado killed a man in May of 2014. After he paid her for sex she clobbered him with a 40 lbs dumbell and stabbed him almost 40 times. Gaby was a prostitute in the Vegas area, and had been arrested many times for prostitution and meth use. She has a history of mental problems and was often seen on her street corner talking to herself and rocking. She hooked up with  William Sanford and told him she was looking for her children and he agreed to help her find them. I guess he needed to have the sex first, or she did, Im not sure how that part went, but they went to his apartment to complete their transaction. The next part is up for debate too, depending upon which version you want to believe. Gaby said she heard her childrens voices in her head telling her Sanford was hurting them. She hit him with the dumbbell and when he woke up, she attacked him with a knife.  To save her children. In her statement to police she said she told him she was hearing her childrens

Kelly Renee Gissendaner - Georgia

Kelly may be murdered by the state of Georgia on February 25th. In 1997 Kelly got her boyfriend,  Gregory Bruce Owen,  to kill her husband,           Douglas, in a particularly atrocious manner.  She says she didnt know  he was going to do it and even if she did know, she wasnt the one who did the killing and yet she got a death sentence and the man who pulled the trigger will live. Thats never easy to understand. She is the only woman on death row in Georgia and may be the first executed in 70 years. I had a brief correspondence with Kelly in 2009 - 20013. She was never one for chatty letters or heartfelt confessions. Shes bitter and shes pissed. Most of her letters consisted of her rants about the book written about her First We'll Kill my Husband and long diatribes on prison life. She asked me for money several times and when I could not produce when she asked, she stopped writing.  

Wendy Holland - Alabama

Wendy Holland - incest, child sexual abuse Wendy Holland was sentenced in January to spend her entire lifetime, 219 years in fact, in prison for her part in a child sex ring in Bay Minette, Alabama. Along with relatives and friends, she passed her children around for sex and used other children in the group for her own enjoyment. The details of this crime are like something you would see in bad 70's horror flicks or something remade by Rob Zombie. These things don't really happen. But they do, don't they. Is it any real surprise it happened in Alabama? Eleven adults were arrested on charges of sodomy, rape, abuse and sex crimes in the same small area of Alabama. This tale is so twisted its hard to unravel. Wendy Holland and her husband, Donnie- the Patriarch and founding father of this sick clan - had been swapping children with others for sex for many years. One of which, Brittney Wood- the niece of Wendy and Donnie, eventually disappeared. Shortly after, Donnie w

Patricia Prue Vermont

Patricia Prue Patricia Prue and her husband Allen owned a snow plow business in Vermont. They are a heavy set couple who spent much of their time alone, engaging in violent sexual fantasies with each other. For years their pillow talk consisted of what it would be like to kidnap, sexually assault and murder a woman for their own sexual gratification. After being hired by a popular prep school teacher and mother, Melissa Jenkins, to plow her driveway, they had found their victim. In 2012, after much research and meticulous planning, the pair of Prues called Melissa Jenkins and told her their car had broken down and they needed help. Jenkins, known for being kind and helpful, loaded up her two year old son and went out into the cold to help them. When she arrived at their location, they attacked and kidnapped Melissa Jenkins her, leaving her two year old son alone in the car which was later found by police. The boy told the police a man had grabbed his mommy by the neck and

Haters are like Roaches

See what I mean? I found this message in my "other" inbox on Facebook. Not on the Woman Condemned account but my own personal account. Apparently her questions were rhetorical because she hid from me by blocking me as soon as she sent the message. As regular readers are aware, I periodically explain why I do this, my goals and inspirations, for those who dont know. But then you get these small minded fucktards. I seriously doubt she took the time to read this site. She looked for info on Janeen and found me and spouted off and then ran and hid like a cockroach. So since she asked me questions, Id like to ask a few. What do you do, Ms. Sabrina, to keep what happened to your "cousin" from happening again? Do you only search out advocates who actually are trying to make a difference and bless them with your limited point of view or do you actually do anything that matters?  Yea, thats what I thought. So to you Ms. Sabrina, I say fuck you. Fuck your judgement

Getting it Out There Any Way She Can

I have written to Eileen Huber for about a year now. She is one of the most amazingly inspirational women I have ever met. She fully admits her part in the california mall killings of the 80's and not a day goes by that she does not try to do something in her life to make up for her part in the deaths of all those people. Her biggest sadness in life is seeing young women, younger even than she when her crimes happened, enter the prison system. She gives each and every one she meets her all in trying to teach them the error of their ways and send them back on the street with a knowledge so profound they are guaranteed to never come back. She longs, however, for a way to reach the girls BEFORE they have to share a cell with her. Back in September I was invited to appear at the Dark History convention in Rantoul, Il. It was there I met another guest, the indomitable Mr. Charles D. Moisant of Silver Phoenix Entertainment . He makes comic books that rock the world. It didnt take lon

Why and Who Cares?

I never thought I would see the day, but it seems The Woman Condemned is garnering some attention. I have had this blog for 10 years or so and have some wonderful long time readers and that was enough for me. As the years have progressed and the blog has appeared in documentaries and newspaper articles, ezines and conferences, more and more people are coming to the site and want to know why. Why do I do this? Why do I care? My "about" section here gives some insight to my life and the reasons I feel the way I do but still, it is unclear to some. At first glance, some types of people want to throw me in with groupies and murderabilia collectors. While its true that I have no problem with either of those groups of folks and have even supported a few in various endeavors, I am not a member of either group. I dont hate them for their interest and curiosity but I have a different agenda. Nor am I indifferent to the pain and suffering of the victims and their families. A mo

More Darlie News

Rachel Kay Bond Tennessee

Rachael Bond, 33 Rachel Kay Bond lured her ex boyfriend into the woods where her current boyfriend jumped out and beat him to death. His body wasnt found for a while and he was almost unrecognizable. In court she said she hadnt wanted him to die, just get beat up. But that did not convince the jury.  Police said it took jurors 75 minutes to decide Rachel Kay Bond was guilty in the death of her ex-boyfriend, Robert Oscar Davis. Bond, 33, of Five Points, Tennessee, was automatically sentenced to life in prison but with the possibility of parole. Under Tennessee guidelines she must serve 51 years before becoming eligible, according to court officials. While researching this case, I found an older news report where Rachel had been arrested in January of '13 because her two daughters had found her passed out on the bed with a bottle of pills, which they took a few of. The grandmother found them and took them to the hospital after which Rachel was arrested. This woman was a tr

Pamela Causey-Fregia Louisiana

ALLEN PARISH, LA  I guess you could call this one of those fetal kidnapping cases gone awry. I guess. Pamela Causey-Fregia  In 2011, Pamela Causey-Fregia's husband left her. Like so, so, so so many women she decided the only way to get him back was to say she was pregnant. So she did. Except she'd had a hysterectomy. But she also had a pregnant friend, Victoria Perez. Pamela lured Victoria to her home on the ruse of free baby clothes and killed her using blunt force. She did this in front of one of her three children. Then took the body to a remote area and burned it in the presence of another one of her children. Perez She did not remove the baby. It is unclear, at this point, why. She was arrest in late January 2015 for the murder of Perez and her unborn child after one of her children 10, 8, and 6, finally came forward and tipped off law enforcement. They confronted Pamela, who finally confessed and led them to what remained of Perez and her baby. She is facing

Darlie Routier Texas

I was contacted by a penpal of Darlie Routier's who gave me some of the most recent advances in her case to share with you all. I began writing to Darlie in December of 2005 and she is one woman whom I will never understand how she got behind bars. Really. You know what else? With all the information ALREADY out there about this case, in addition to the newly discovered info, I think if you can't see this poor woman's innocence, you may just be an asshole. So many legal flubs, so much question and police innuendo that turned out to be nothing. So many fingers pointed and road blocks thrown up, I am surprised this case isn't used in other countries to point to the clusterfuck we call a justice system.  I believe Darlie could have been released ages ago if the state had done the necessary DNA testing. Sadly, Texas has tried to stop it in every unconstitutional way they could pull out of a bull's ass. BUT- there is hope on the horizon. This from Camp Darlie

Theresa Supino Iowa

Here’s a blast from the past in Iowa. Fifty-four-year-old Theresa Supino was arrested  charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the 1983 slayings of Steven Fisher and Melisa Gregory, her estranged husband and his new girlfriend. On the 31rst anniversary of the deaths, no less.  The couple had been found beaten to death on a horse ranch. News reports show family members saying they saw this coming all along. This will be a cold case files show for sure.