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Showing posts from January, 2015

Jessica Burlew Arizona

Jessica Burlew , 16, diagnosed with schizophrenia and autism, had a 43-year-old boyfriend, a one Mr. Jason Ash. Her mom, Tracey Woodside, knew all about it and often left the couple in her apartment alone to have sex. Ahem. Questionable decision, Mom. Early January 2014, as the Goth couple had rough but apparently consensual sex, Jessica strangled Jason to death with an electric cord because he didn't say the safe word. He also had been cut several times which Jessica says she did with a razor in an attempt to revive him. He seemed to be an overgrown kid. “i like to dissect girls ... did you know i’m utterly insane?” he wrote on social media just five days before his death. This girl reminds me so much of Alyssa Bustamante. She sees herself as a Goth kid and posted pics of herself in black clothes, piercings and weird, thick makeup.  Her YouTube videos are full of her own songs about death, decaying bodies and morbid topics. On a website called Vampire Freaks, Burlew wen

Morgan Smith Florida

Morgan Smith. Wow. Just, wow. She came from a family of mental illnesses with a father who committed suicide. She had spent her life on psychotropic drugs for severe depression and borderline personality disorder, the same thing that causes multiple personalities. She also became a sex slave for Daryl Smith in a long-term relationship that ended with a child. Their relationship was everything the weird, late night, HBO documentaries say those things are. She met him after work and groveled at his feet in a leather outfit complete with chain leash and dog collar. She licked his boots clean and said thank you after he spanked her ass. She was a complete, total submissive, and seemed to enjoy being that way. She even changed her last name to his legally, even though he would not marry her. He had told her many times; no matter what she did, she would never be his wife. Eventually he found another woman he was interested in, Andrea Stranko, and left Morgan and their daughter. It

Updates of 2014 Top Read Posts

Here are some updates to some of the most read posts from 2014. Amanda Hein in PA . She had a baby in a bar toilet and then watched a pay-per-view sporting event with her guy friends. She had been facing the death penalty but plead guilty in March of 2014, which took death off the table. She gave up her right to appeal and to ask for clemency. She received a first-degree murder conviction in April 2014. Her sentence was life without parole. Brenda Stokes Wilson killed her boyfriend’s young daughter, Jade and then went to the Vegas Casino she worked at and slashed the face of another dealer while she worked in 2012. Prosecutors say this was all out of jealousy of the father and the other casino dealer. Brenda plead not guilty even though there was DNA evidence on her car and clothes. She is still awaiting death penalty trial in 2015. Melinda Lynn Muniz suffocated her boyfriend’s toddler, Grace, and then staged a rape to cover it up in 2014. She

Recipe from Pam Moss Pulaski State Prison Georgia

A fun, wintery, recipe from Pam Moss, serving LWOP in Georgia for the murder of her business partner. She asks that you send in pictures if you try it. She would like to see your handiwork. 

Kindle Give Away!

Guess what true crime fans, The Woman Condemned has a very special Valentines Day give-away for the romantics among us! I, along with many other true crime authors like Steve Jackson, Katherine Ramsland, Gregg Olsen, Kathryn Casey, RJ Parker, JJ Slate, and many more have provided a huge Valentines Day giveaway. Check out these amazing prizes and enter! a Rafflecopter giveaway 1. KINDLE HD WITH LEATHER CASE …. from  RJ Parker Publishing , Steve Jackson ( Wild Blue Press ), Kelly Banaski ( Women Condemned ) and JJ Slate . 2. Autographed copies of  A Descent into Hell  and  Deliver Us  From Kathryn Casey 3. Autographed copy of  Missing Wives, Missing Lives  from JJ Slate 4. Autographed copies of  Parents Who Killed Their Children  and Serial Killer Groupies  from RJ Parker 5. Autographed copy of  The Vampire Next Door : The True Story of the Vampire Rapist  from JT Hunter 6. Autographed copy of  Bloody Lies: A CSI Scandal in the Heartland  from John Ferak 7. Autographed copy of

Emilia Carr - Florida

I'm just dipping into this case, having received a short letter from Emilia on Friday. She has this very light-handed dainty flourish of a handwriting style. She asks about educational services for inmates and calls herself a nerd for still loving to learn at her age. Her case is disturbing on so many levels. Emilia and her boyfriend, Joshua Fulgham had been in an on again-off-again relationship for years with Heather Strong always around for Joshua to go back too. In fact, once Emilia and Josh were engages, she pregnant with his baby, he went back to and married Heather. Things are so weird at this point, that Emilia babysits for them. Oh, it was bad and just got worse and worse. Constant fighting, threats and violence. Then the battles over child custody with Heather began because Josh has kids with her too. Just one month before Heather was killed, Emilia attacked Heather and held a knife to her throat, demanding she sign a written statement absolving Joshua of criminal ch

Q & A with America's Condemned Women

Several months ago I gathered readers questions and asked them of some of America's most deadly and media scrutinized women. Some admit their guilt, some claim innocence but all of them have been convicted and live their lives behind bars, Here are your answers: Shawna Forde is on Death row in Arizona. She is considered an anti-immigration zealot and was convicted of the murder of a family whom authorities say she thought were illegals but were actually American citizens. She says she was not even present when they were killed, had no part in it, and she was convicted on circumstantial evidence, Q: What motivates your days? A: My appeals and knowing I will prove my innocence one day. I work tirelessly on fighting to end the death penalty, even in here. Q. Are you in solitary for any part of your day? A: Yes. I am locked down alone for the majority of the day. Only an hour or so a week, if that, are we allowed to see other inmates. Eileen Huber is serving LWOP in

Student advocates at Princeton launch prison reform conference |

Student advocates at Princeton launch prison reform conference | PRINCETON — Students at Princeton University have mentored inmates at New Jersey correctional facilities and worked to advocate prison reform throughout the state. This weekend they are launching their first conference on prison reform. “This is the biggest civil rights issue that I can think of at this time, and we want to give students the tools to advocate and to understand the different avenues for advocacy,” said Princeton senior Shaina Watrous. Watrous is a founder of Students for Prison Education and Reform (SPEAR), which today and Saturday is bringing students, academics and activists together for a conference titled “Building A New Criminal Justice System: Mobilizing Students for Reform.” “The goal is to establish a network of students and organizations on the East Coast aiming for the same mission of criminal justice reform based on common sense approaches,” said Princeton junior Brett Diehl,

Dr. Shirley Turner Pennsylvania/Canada

I am working on a project for a publisher about Dr. Shirley Turner, the insane lady who shot and killed her baby's father, Andrew Bagby, and then strapped the baby, Zachary, to her and jumped into the Atlantic Ocean, killing them both. You may know the story from the documentary  Dear Zachary: A letter to a Son about His Father .  I am so surprised that so little information is to be found. This is a wild, crazy and uber-heart wrenching tale of jealousy, rage and apparent mental disorder. Strangely I have found very little online and although 48 Hours on CBS covered the case, the episode isn't available online. There are only a handful of reputable news sources to glean knowledge from. I am especially curious about Shirley as there is virtually no first hand testimony about her life before meeting Andrew. We know what she did and who she was with but there isn't much else to see. I cant find anything from her children or husbands. Poor, crazy Shirley could have be

Dorothy Maraglino and Jessica Lopez California

Brittany Kilgore I was so surprised when I stumbled across this case last night. It is so torrid and shocking and obscure I can’t imagine why it hasn’t crossed one of the bajillion true crime news feeds I wade through every day. The tragically ambiguous death of Brittany Kilgore in California has so many weird twists and turns, it’s hard to know where to begin. Young, beautiful, vibrant Brittany was a Marine’s wife who had filed for divorce and was pursuing her own interests when she met Louis Perez. Perez was also in the military and the two made a date to take a dinner cruise. She was never seen again. Louis Perez Brittany disappeared in April of 2012. A friend saw her last wearing a dark purple evening gown. After four days missing, her battered and torn body was found nude in a ditch near Lake Skinner in Riverside County. Let’s backtrack a bit. Months before her death a friend takes Brittany to the home of U.S. Marine Sergeant Louis Perez, 45, his girlfriend  Do