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Showing posts from April, 2012

Justice Gone Wrong- The Debra Milke Story

Liebster Award

I have been awarded the Liebster Blog Award from the lovely Julie Perri at Fish and Frivolity. Liebster is a German word that translates to; dearest, beloved or in this case favorite.    The idea of the Liebster Award is to give it to an up and coming blog with fewer than 200 followers.  – in order to create new connections, and bring attention to their wonderful blogs. When  you win the award there a few details that need to be attended to: Thank the Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog Link back to the blogger who presented you the award. Copy and paste the Liebster Blog Award on your blog. Present the award to up to 5 bloggers who have a following 200 or less, who you feel deserve it. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog. I would have chosen D.A. Confidential but Julz already did so I have chosen Bonnie's Blog of Crime So I'm off to accomplish those things. Thanks again to Julz and everyone who made this fun honor poss

Erotica Writer Giavanna Interview

Erotica Writer Giavanna Interview  Every now and again my readers will let me know when a certain book or something catches their attention. One such book is the newest Kindle Single from Giavanna and I recently interviewed her about her new erotic romance "To Protect and Serve".   What is this new Kindle Single you have written all about? To Protect and Serve is a short romantic romp between a female investigator who works way to hard and a fugitive wanted for rape. It tells the story of their past and how he got into the situation and how she decides to help him through her job but also through her undying love and affection.   What is it about that bad boy element that women so love to read about? Its something that every woman has fantasized about. We all want to experience that wild abandonment of a man who lives by his own rules. This story and the others in the series are all about that experience. It is a short little romp through the wild side you can read at