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Brenda Andrew Execution date

     Brenda Andrew is the only woman on Oklahoma death row. She is there for the murder of her husband by her and her boyfriend James Pavatt.

     Brenda does not answer letters. It seems she may still have a bit of that pretentious attitude left over from her days as a respected deacons wife. Those days are over, hun.

     There is no scheduled execution date for Brenda yet. Oklahoma lists its dates of execution for the prison she is in here.

     Every time I read about this case I am utterly amazed at how stupid these two people were. She may as well have advertised their guilt on a billboard in front of the house. Both Andrew's and Pavatt's appeal were systematically denied without comment in 2008.

The little Scorned episode "The Sunday School Killers" at the top of this post is about Brenda and James and its only $1.99 so its worth the money.

White Female; 5 ft. 3 in. tall; 110 pounds; Brown hair; Brown eyes;
 Body Marks
ABD: SCAR C LOW 4" c section
 CRF#  County  Offense  Conviction  Term  Term Code  Start  End 
2001-6189OKLAConspiracy To Commit Murder In The First Degree09/22/200410YIncarceration
2001-6189OKLAMurder In The First Degree09/22/2004DEATHDeath09/27/2004
 Current Facility  Phone#  Reception Date  Discharge Date  Parole Hearing Date 
Mabel Bassett Correctional Center, Mcloud            (405) 964-3020      09/27/200409/9999
 Address    City  State  Zip  Contact 
29501 Kickapoo RoadMcloudOK74851Millicent Newton-Embry, Warden


  1. Sunday School Killers is also the title of the Forensic Files espisode about the murder of Rob Andrew which I seen for the umpteenth time last night.

    The murder is also a topic on CourtTV's Suburban Secrets and it may have also been featured on Snapped.

    The Scorned episode gives more details about how devout Rob was to the church and missionary work to the neglect of Brenda. Initially Brenda was the dutiful and dowdy wife and mother but grew tired of Rob's ultra conservatism of absenteeism.

    It's unfortunate that Rob's failure to have an intimate relationship with his wife, lead her to seek intimacy with several other men which lead her to think it was a good idea to bump him off.

    1. Really?She said she hated him. You're going to blame the victim.

      I met Andrea when I was younger. SShe is a nice lady. She could have just divorced him, but she wanted money.

    2. reference to a bloggers comment: " You sound just as stupid as Brenda and her boyfriend." I agree, as well as, Charles calling her 'nice lady'. um...kind of wonder a jury let 'Tot Mom' (i.e. Casey Alexander walk).Some folks are just plain ole nuts. So thankful she was tried in OK & not Florida!

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I knew Rob personally. To say he was an absent husband is completely false and the opposite of what he actually was. Brenda is the one who kicked him out of his own house the day after his birthday -- after draining his bank account while he was stuck in California because of 9/11. Even when he lived there, she told him to be out of the house before she woke up in the mornings. We always wondered why he was at work so early everyday. He worked his tail off for her and for his kids. He was fanatically devoted to them all. Dutiful wife? Hardly. She treated him with contempt. She was a blatant liar and schemer. She had numerous affairs -- and not just toward the end of their marriage. Rob could have justifiably divorced her, but he didn't want to. He suspected her affairs, but he didn't want to know for sure because he didn't want to believe that about her. He used to stop by my desk at work and tell me how much he still loved her and that his prayer was that God would heal their marriage. That is not an absent husband.

    4. I was married for 13 years to an abusive alcoholic drug addict. He was not an upstanding member of anything, even though he did pretend to be, and he certainly did not work hard to support his family. I finally left after his youngest child from his previous marriage left for college, because her mother would not take custody of her and I could not leave her behind. While I did not see what my life was going to turn into when I married a loving, charming, kind and gentle man, I would have given anything for him to take care of his family by working hard, believing in the God and church that he claimed to love as much as I do. My husband also had a million dollar LI policy, a huge trust fund, and a share in a very successful business left to him by his father. When I left I filed for divorce snd walked away! I did not have him murdered so I could keep the house, the cars or the money. The only thing I fought him for was my daughter, and I won. He makes more than 10,000 thousand of dollars per month, and I recieve less than 300 per month in alimony, and less than 700 per month in child support. I am barely getting by and every day starts with a prayer that my daughter and I will have a home with full utlities when I get home from work at the end of the day. Seeing someone write a post condemning a man for working hard, loving and supporting God and giving of his time to support Him, basically saying he got what he deserved, because his lying, scheming, cheating, selfish wife is neglected makes me physically ill. She IS NOT a nice girl or a good person. She is especially not a good mother. She killed her children's father, basically leaving them orphans. Please do not defend this kind of evil. Much more importantly, please do not blame or condemn the victim. A man that followed his estranged wife into the house to HELP her. I am seriously disgusted right now.

    5. Forgot to add. Thanks for the times we had together! The adventures at food 4 less. Driving back to your house making up our own adventure stories. Playing in the backyard laughing. The night we were all together and I was five and lost my doll blanket and you tore up that house trying to find it.(And succeeded!) Letting me give the dog cheese so he'd "speak". Laying with me when we all made our big drive to Galveston island!(no I'm not mad you laughed when I said"we're going to the island with tinkerbell?!" To me "ferry" sounded like "fairy") and making shadow puppets (and annoying Rob though I think he was kidding). Tending to me when I had the flu (without you puffball and the couch would have gotten a puke bath). Miss you Brenda! Tell me. Before he died could Rob still do his woody woodpecker voice?

    6. I'll remember Rob too. He was my daddy's best friend. He could do woody woodpecker's laugh. He and daddy used to let me hold mock AMBUCKS meetings with them. This whole case messes with my mind. They were my friends and I cared about them. (Hey Brenda remember Rob trying to trick daddy into stopping at McDonald's when we were on Galveston island?)

    7. Regarding Rob ignoring his family and spending to much time with the Church: You are a complete idiot. I had known both Rob and Brenda since childhood. Yes he was a Christian man who wanted a family life and raise his children to become good, responsible adults. She had already divorced him! The only reason she killed him was to get the life insurance money that Pavatt so
      conveniently set up through his life insurance job. She not only killed Rob, her son and daughter went through a lot of years in turmoil.
      Remember they were only about 8 and 11 years old when this happened. Both kids suffered terribly, went through some really bad teenage years and still miss their dad.
      (They refuse to go see their mother). Rob did
      not deserve to die. She got a home worth about $250,000. and $6000 a month in child support and alimony. It was a cruel and totally greedy act.

    8. LastGirl, I am a licensed therapist. Brenda had choices to make. She made some heinous choices that took the life of a man she swore before people, and God that she would forsake all others. She completely fits the profile as a sub-I.Q. murderer. I believe that you need a true reality check. I would highly suggest checking in with a minimum of a social worker, or a doctor of counseling. Your thoughts are skewed, and most unreasonable. In my estimation, you are, and have been severely emotionally wounded since you were a child. "Broken Children, Grownup Pain." Your prose is that of a grade school child. I am NOT trying to disrespect you whatsoever, but attempting with the others here, to bring you to a place of safety, and reasonableness. The good thing is, if you seek wise counsel, you become wiser. The downside is, if you continue on the same damaged road, your future relationally, financially, spiritually, and perhaps physically, are is danger. Typically, folks that bypass rationale, bypass their own outline for healthy living. I do wish you well. Dr. Mark A. Lovell, PhD.

    9. how can a man have intimacy with a block of ice? I'am 65 been married 40 years of hell, After 2 strokes a heart attack,her love of money and drugs I divorced. lost every thing i owned except my house. but I'am alive.

    10. Tony; Your's is possibly the only post on this site that has any semblance of intelligence to it.
      The one (I'm not going to mention her by name) that wants to "trip" down memory lane about a murdered
      man with the sociopath that killed him just befuddles me.
      And it's hard to believe a person who claims to have a Phd does not proofread their comments before posting them. Example: "are is danger".
      Maybe I'm just too critical, or it's a typo. But as I said earlier proofread your posts (not speaking of you Tony).
      I'm sure I'll be the "most" hated person on this thread now.

    11. The evidence speaks for itself.She is guilty.She is one very cold woman.She grabbed the 16 gauge shotgun after Pavatt shot him first in the side.She then shot her husband again as he laid there watching her.I feel for the children who have suffered very much because of this.If they spare her from the death penalty,it should only be for the sake of the children.She has showed no remorse,and to this day will not even take responsibility for her action.i do not feel sorry for her one bit.I feel for the victims family only.

    12. If you were not all as foolish as good people can be you would stop believing in God altogether. The evidence speaks for itself. You guys balance all your equations with the same infinities; while more desperate, evil - and intelligent - people use your culpable naïvety to blind you to their real nature until they have finished their dastardly deeds and finished some of you off...the unfortunate victim was not responsible for what happened to him, but at least one witness account here makes it clear that his misguided Christianity served him as a convenient ploy for not ever facing the real character of the woman he had married. Would a divine Truth revealed from heaven by a loving God tend to have this effect? Jesus said that you can know a tree by its fruits. In that case, religion is false - especially Christianity. Wake up, folks. Some of you are good people; but the real users of religion are the likes of Brenda and her boyfriend. As long as you buy into tinsel angels, you will be opening your heart - and your homes - to some very real Devils. Oh yes - and read some science, guys; we don't live in the Puritan epoch any more - luckily.

  2. That's really funny!

  3. So many people are heading to hell, that's sad. Hell is forever and irreversible. I pray that the world will come to know Jesus and walk on his path, in Jesus 's name i pray.

  4. LastGirl is far from stupid. People who call names instead of coming up with a valid statement look far stupider.
    Lastgirl is right. Her comments are spot on. She never said Brenda was right. Just that it is a shame that her husband ignored her until she lost her mind.

    1. No it doesn't excuse anything but it explains her thought rational. There is a difference.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. He didn't ignore her. He tried every possible thing to save that marriage. She was a two cent whore. Grew up with them both

    4. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Your apologist position is alarming although not entirely surprising given the nature of this blog.

      Your (and LastGirl's) argument is weak given the testimony in the court transcripts and only serves to blame the victim for his estranged spouse's murderous behavior.
      Let's keep the onus where it should be, on Ms. Andrew and her co-conspirator.

  5. LastGirl, Brenda Andrew was indeed featured on Snapped. I don't believe you are familiar with the facts of this case. I recommend you read "Fatal Holiday" by Judy Gigstad. Gigstad was Rob and Brenda's neighbor. The book may enlighten you about why Rob was murdered. Also, your speculation that Rob failed to be intimate with Brenda is incorrect. In fact, she would not allow him to express any loving sentiments towards her; she said it made her feel uncomfortable. The fact that he worked very hard for his family and was a devout member of the church, should not be judged.
    Finally, Administration, you should have researched your comments before posting your agreement with LastGirl.

    1. I will also add: " The fact that he worked very hard for his family and was a devout member of the church" ** is GOOD** . p..s. Brenda Andrew is not insane...whoever owns this blog should research basic Criminal Justice Law.

  6. I own this blog and research these cases for a living. I don't however believe the statements you made are true regardless of whose books they came from. There are statements in the trial transcripts and court records that do point to a loss of intimacy between the two and family members have confirmed that Rob did indeed have trouble in that area even as a child. Geesh...
    That being said, this murder was senseless and while Brenda should spend her life in prison she should not be killed.

    1. I agree with your last statement. I was actually incarcerated at Mabel Bassett for six years. When I worked at the library, I was the one who personally chose the books that went back to Brenda, who was housed in segregation. She doesn't get to come out on the yard. When she has to, for doctor's appointments and such, the rest of the general population is locked down while a minimum of two officers escort her across the compound in shackles and belly chain. She can't have a roommate. She is left by herself in her cell all day, every day. Meanwhile, there are women who have chopped their children into pieces, who have shoved their babies into freezers, have lined people up in a restaurant to shoot them execution style, etc....and these women walk around on the same yard every day. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not excusing anyone. None of these crimes are better or worse than the others, per se, they're all wrong. But at the end of the day, the issue lies in the numerous flaws and discrepancies in Oklahoma sentencing statutes, and the manner in which they are carried out. Personally, I am anti-death penalty. And not just in Brenda Andrew's case. I believe that having to wake up in that hell (and it IS hell, if you haven't been there, you can never know) every day, knowing that you will die there alone, and can never leave except in a body bag, THAT is a punishment worse than the easy release of death. Life without the possibility of parole would, in my opinion, meet the revenge/retribution aspect of the sentence. Some would argue against this because of the costs. I would argue that they need to do the research. Look up and compare the costs of housing a lifer compared to the costs of executing ONE inmate. You might be surprised. But this really all boils down to one thing: sentence reform. Prisons are no longer about rehabilitation, they're about warehousing. Rather than incarcerating a ridiculous number of people who would benefit much more from services such as substance abuse rehabilitation and therapy, mental health services, etc., we could instead use prisons to house those who are a true danger to society, or who have done something as reprehensible as taking someone's life. But I digress. Yes. What Brenda Andrew did was wrong. Yes. She deserves to be punished. But, no. She shouldn't be executed.

    2. the crimes of the other women you described, why the heck aren't they on death row?? that sounds like the place for them, not in general population.

  7. Any attempt to imply that Mrs. Andrew should not have received the ultimate penalty by pointing out that her marriage lacked intimacy ignores the facts behind her conviction. Lack of intimacy is a reason for divorce, not a reason to commit murder, and certainly not a reason to avoid a death sentence. A convicted defendant receives their sentence based on the circumstances of their crime. She was fairly sentenced both for her conviction for conspiracy to commit murder (10 years) and for the murder itself (death). There are no mitigating factors for Mrs. Andrew. In fact, her treachery and deceit compelled both a jury of her peers and the presiding judge to impose the sentence of death. May God have mercy on Mrs. Andrew's soul, but there should be no mercy for her person.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Can someone pretty please, with a cherry on top, let me know when this evil pig is getting executed. I want to make sure to have plenty of streamers and silly string on hand for the party. I can't wait. I'm preparing to do a jig in the middle of the street for the finale of my party too. I'm disappointed there isn't a date set yet, but please let me know as soon as it happens...i really appreciate it.

    1. I hope when the pig fuckers time comes it is a botched execution and it s a long and terrifying one .then maybe she will umderstand what it was like for her husband

    2. Like your thinking! Knew both of them personally and all of Rob's family. She's a pig.
      Slaughter it!

    3. Lovin It !!!!!!!!!!

    4. Why are YOU taking this so personally? How odd that you would rejoice in the death of anyone. You have issues.

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I bet she's getting lots of male attention now.

  11. Just saw this Snapped episode on youtube.

  12. Brenda will get what she deserves as she lays on the gurney getting straped in and ivs put in her vains she will be terrified as she should be and when the juice starts to flow i hope its excruciating pain just like it was for her husband then she can take a one trip to hell where she belongs.the one i feel soory for are both of the parents the inlaws and her parents.

  13. I corresponded with Brenda for about a year and a half in 06/07. At that time she was fairly certain she would win a new trial and/or have her conviction overturned. I sent her a laminated page from the Bible with scripture in response to some things she had confided. I lapsed in communication for about 6/7 months at one point and after that she would not respond.

  14. "Last girl", change your screen name to "Lost Girl", that would be immensely more appropriate. Administrator you are wrong, lost girl IS stupid. As a matter of fact Her iq is similar to her sleeve size....and we all HAVE given reasons for why we think she's so "stupid". A woman who feels it's "Rob Andrew's failure to have an intimate relationship with his wife that lead her to seek relations with other men" is not only stupid, but VERY stupid. If I had a wife who was capable of killing people and left messages on my answering machine that were as foul and disgusting as the ones she left on Rob's the LAST thing i'd want to do is "sleep with her". The only type of person Brenda Andrews can get to sleep with her are ones like James Pavatt...enough said. Andrews is a perverted cunt and we should make her execution day a national holiday....period.

  15. The point for me is that the death penalty is wrong. If it worked the U.S. wouldn't have the highest crime rate in the world.

    1. Maybe but why should the taxpayers in Oklahoma have to pay 30-40 thousand a year to keep the bitch alive? We have so many children living in poverty here, the money needs to go to them. They are the innocents and they are losing out to these scumbags that we spend a fortune on to keep incarcerated.

  16. Brenda Andrew is pretty freakin hott

    1. You're kidding right? This woman is a cold blooded snake.

    2. Marco, yeah, that is what her husband thought too until she killed him.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Her crime is a very good reason to give the death penalty. She is the poster child.

  19. Was Brenda frigid at the time of her husband's murder? That might be a factor in commuting her death sentence.

  20. Brenda is a very selfish woman all you had to do is leave

    1. I said the exact same thing to my wife... just leave!

  21. This crime was committed more for the MONEY than anything else. Brenda's boyfriend wanted the MONEY as well as the behind. I don't understand LastGirl and the Administrator leaving that very important fact out. They killed Rob for the MONEY... We all know "The love of money is the root to all kinds of evil!"

    1. Hello,
      Thanks for commenting and reading. I didnt leave it out. I just feel its obvious. Its actually the most obvious part of this whole case.

    2. Absolutelly. They were ALREADY DIVORCED and she got a $250,000. home plus over $6,000 a month in child support and alimony. Not to mention half of their investments, etc. She's a cold blooded heartless killer.

  22. I wrote Brenda a few months ago just because the OP said she doesn't answer letters. I followed the same formula that Jason Moss used in his book "The Last Victim" and it worked.

    I got a response back. Her handwriting is very eloquent. She immediately started asking me about my religious views, and when I responded back, I heard nothing. I guess she has a very specific individual she is willing to correspond with.

    1. seems to me that she should be thankful that anyone would bother to write her, give her the time of day. i'm sure she doesn't have much else to do on death row. her being picky as to who she will correspond with is a joke.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. So what was the evidence presented in trial that implicated Brenda Andrew taking a gun (from Pavatt) then shooting the victim in the chest? Did Pavatt testify in his trial that this is what happened? I ask this because the defendant (Brenda Andrew) stated she was innocent and did not do this, i.e., Pavatt is the only one who committed the murder. It is obvious from the evidentiary findings that Andrew did conspire in the murder but just curious to know how it is known that she actually shot the victim?

    1. Blood spatter on her jeans was the major evidence that lead them to her part in the crime

    2. That only indicates that she was standing next to Rob when he was shot (remember how President Kennedy's wife looked when he was shot?), but in no way ensures that she did it, they do not even have the powder residue tests on their hands. That would indicate that she fired a weapon, in summary it is easier to believe that she never fired at Rob, I do not understand how the defense did not object that the jury concluded that Brenda carried out the fatal shot

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Millions upon Millions of people are in unhappy marriages. Millions upon millions more are in unhappy relationships and situations of many types. They don't kill someone over it.
    Also, while I do sorta feel bad for Brenda and the suffering she endures every minute of every day – that I can't possibly imagine. The reason I can't is because I've never murdered my spouse for money...
    It seems like cold-hearted, practical Brenda should have better considered her options and related risks to each before pulling the trigger.
    Brenda has the same fears of stability and security many women have. ...but don't kill the provider of same. Instead, as adults, they jump in and HELP their husband to provide it. DUH. ...problem is, many guys can't pull it off, even with help. She had a guy who could, was proving he could and she killed him. WOW! Now that’s what greedy looks like. That should have been a siren call to Mr. Provot. You just know, she already had to plan in the works to tie up that loose end. How could Provot not see that coming?
    I'm pretty sure a potential serial-killer is right where she should be. ...just sayin'...

  27. She doesnt deserve the death penalty. O.J. killed his wife and lover and found not guilty.

    1. that's the difference. oj was found not guilty in a court of law. brenda wasn't. the court of public opinion doesn't matter, only a court of law does.

    2. There can be a world of difference between not guilty and innocent. The OJ "trial" was a 3 ring circus and one of the worst miscarriages of justice of the 20th century. He may have been found "not guilty" but he is certainly not innocent of the double homicide.

  28. I did time with Brenda Andrew. She showed absolutely no remorse for her crime, or for the lifelong trauma she's most certainly inflicted upon her innocent children. She carries not a single thought of all the pure hell those children will endure, having a convicted murderer for a mother. She did the crime. It's time for her to pay her debt to society. Society says it requires her death. Time for you to pay up, Brenda...

  29. Unfortunately I believe there many more women out there like her. I may have even dated a few but had better sense to get out. I have not researched this other than looking at the Forenic files episode tonight. scary in any case.

  30. People have done worse and don't get the death penalty. The rape or killing of children and most just do time.

  31. I wish they would bring back Old Sparky for the likes of these two.

  32. Use of profanity and vulgarity like this is the sign of a limited intellect and lack of education. Both deserve to be executed, to be sure.


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