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Showing posts from December, 2011
The first new woman on death row in 2012 will most likely be Virginian  Lorie Ann Taylor Keller of Fulks Run. She is charged in the 2009 murders of an entire West Virginia family after which she tried to convince her husband, Nakia Keller, to commit suicide in order to make it look like he was the one fully responsible. The family was that of her ex-husband, Chip Taylor, his wife and their 5 year old daughter. Court records show that Lorie asked the two children she shared with Chip to draw maps and diagrams of their fathers home. She traveled over state lines to commit the murder so she will be considered a federal case. The same is true of Angela Jonhson.  They are not seeking the death penalty against her husband. This is a bone of some contention among defense folks. The federal government has not executed a woman since 1953. States have executed 12 women since 1976, including Teresa Lewis in Virginia in 2010.  

Did you know they have sales at Publix?

Guest post of the week by Brittany Booker Everyone knows that in this day and age everyone is out to save money. It is no secret that our country has been in a recession for the past year or so. So for the past year I have starting being a coupon and deal shopper. I will make my grocery list based on what I can find on sale that week. I will see something I want at a store but I won’t buy it then. I will wait until it goes on sale first. I have never ever been a bargain shopper until recently. So one day I was online at work looking up  Internet providers by Zip Code  for my new house which is located outside of town. While I was on there I noticed an ad for some sale items at Publix with a link back to their web site. It turns out that they have all of their sale and special items listed out on their web site now. I have decided I am going to start going online before I make my shopping list every week!
     This episode of Wicked Attraction played today on I.D. I was impressed with how much actual footage of her they showed. They also showed many pictures that I hadn't seen before and that's always cool.      I do write to Kelly but its been a while. She is hard to write to because she has a really short memory or at least a short attention span. She forgets what we've talked about from letter to letter. I sent her some stamp money a few months ago and she sent me a note back asking who I was. You'd think that us having the same first name would keep me fairly available in her memory banks. Not so much.      Theres also the book by Lyn Riddle- First We'll Kill My Husband. Kelly and I spoke about this and she warned me not to read it if i was interested in unbiased truth. Most women with books written about them hate the books, with the exception of Cynthia Coffman who once told me she liked the physical description of herself in the book written about her and
So I found this Amazon Single called Mom the Killer. I cant figure out if it is fiction or nonfiction. It seems virtually impossible to have the outcome that happened here. I don't want to be a spoiler so I wont say but I will say that if its true the punishment does not fit the crime. If  this is true it reminds me a lot of the Knox lady that killed several of her daughters and made the other kids help her.
One of the best things about being a blogger is the many great brands that are interested in your opinion and experiences. I love it when a brand is so interested in reaching your demographic they take time and make an effort to see what it is they can offer you, what you feel would be helpful and then go out and do it. That's what happened with Crest and Oral-B. They truly want to make kids brush their teeth and enjoy it. Let's face it. If kids don't like doing something, they will find a way not to do it. Crest and Oral-B provided me with floss pics, tooth paste, mouthwash, toothbrushes, vitamins and balloons for some really rockin' gift bags.  The kids invited some school buddies over and we passed out the bags. Discussed dental hygiene and played fun trivia games about happy teeth and a yucky mouth game that brought the house down. The final gift from Crest and Oral-B was a DVD of Cars2 and the partiers were ready to partake. We formed a concession line and pa
Oregon Governor Kitzhaber announced in November that he's halting all executions . That means that Angela McAnulty will not be executed any time soon. The moratorium makes little difference in Angela's case anyway as she is fresh to the row and still has years of appeals yet ahead of her. Jeanette Maples, Angela McAnulty Sentenced To Death For The Slaughter Of Her Daughter. « unforgottenangels : The above link is to a very comprehensive article on the case of Angela McAnulty, Oregon death row inmate. Angela abused her daughter Jeanette until it resulted in her death, according to the state of Oregon's evidence. She is the only female on death row in the state. The case is hard to read about. paramedics found 15 year old Jeannette wet, naked from the waist up and dead in the living room floor. Her teeth had been busted out to the gums, her face and arms bruised and cut, her thighs beaten and chunks of flesh were missing, exposed bone gleaming through her wounds.
Lend Your Voice to the Silenced Inmates are veritable mutes. They can talk but it is like the dead speaking. Only those who know how to listen can hear them. It doesn't matter who you were before, or how much money you had, or whose parties you went to or if you won a Nobel prize- you are now a member of the sole society to start everyone at the very bottom rung of the societal ladder. Incarceration erases your past present and future. You are simply a nonentity to the world. If you were innocent or at the wrong place at the wrong time or between a rock and a hard place, your still shit outtaluck. No one hears you. Curiously, so many of these inmates still have thoughts and ideas that are relevant, helpful, useful even. Yet still we continue to push them behind a steel door and disregard their existence. Get involved with some of the cases you read about here. The more you look, the more humanity you will see. These women are not just a thirty minute episode of  Snapped .
Female Serial Killers... One of the rarest creatures in the criminal world is the female serial killer. Male serial killers are, unfortunately a common events. The hunt at the moment in the United States for more than 45 suspected victims of the latest serial killer, Robert Charles Browne, is a case in point. By comparison, female serial killers and what motivates them remain a mystery. Now a new psychological study of a female serial killer sheds new light on the issue. The study, just published in the international journal Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health by a team of British and Swiss psychiatrists, is on a 33-year-old European woman identified only as "PK". She killed two random victims and came close to killing a third. Unlike most female serial killers, such as "black widows" who kill husbands or partners for their money, PK did not know her victims. They were all other women and chosen at random. She first killed in 1991, after stalking wom
 There was a time when inmates were considered to be little more than subhuman slaves of the state by the criminal justice system. Judges once maintained that prisoners had no rights and thus could not do anything to impede their punishment, no matter how cruel and life threatening. The courts maintained that prisoners had given up these rights when they committed the crimes that put them in jail. However, things have changed a lot in the United States since the 19th century. During the 20th century, laws were put in place to ban cruel and unusual punishment of prisoners in the U.S. Changes in Prisoner Rights during the 1960s The Civil Rights Act of 1871 was used to champion the cause of prisoners’ rights in the 1960s. The act was originally written to enforce civil liability on those who deprive others of their constitutional rights. In 1961, the United States Supreme Court would rule that these liabilities applied to state officials in federal courts during the Monroe v. Pa