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From Robin Lee Rowe on the murders of her children:

"I know most of you think everyone on death row claims to be innocent. In my case, it's true! . . . I couldn't leave behind the legacy that if I died everyone would think the children's mother killed them.

"I wanted to die when I heard my children were dead. The pain I felt was excruciating. It was as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest and stomped on, tearing it to shreds. . . At first memories would come rushing back through my mind and they were so hard to handle. A commercial would remind me of my son or I'd hear a song that was my daughter's favorite. All over I'd see them or think of them. The agony was unbearable. . .

"I'm tired. Emotionally drained. I'm lonely. Living in isolation is a hard thing. I wanted out and saw execution as a way out."

Robin Lee Row #40171
PWCC Housing Unit 4
PO Box 6049
Pocatello, Idaho 83205


  1. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I just watched the show about Robin Lee Rowe. Yea...I'm not believing a word about your innocence! Did you forget about the "suspicious fire" that killed your first son. You remember him, don't you?? Your six year old that died 15 years prior to these two children that you mention? Seems you forgot to bring him up! And death would be a way out of pain for you? Then why appeal your conviction? No, Robin, you're right where you belong. Actually, that's not true; you shouldn't be on death row. You should have been executed long ago!

    1. Here here. You are an example of the evil in this world. If you wanted to die when you found out your children were dead then why did u kill them in the 1st place.

  2. I agree with Kimberly. You should not be sucking wind as I write this. "You know most people on death row claim innocence but in your case it's true". Wrong most people on death row are guilty, but most that claim innocence claim that in their case it's true - like you are. I hope you maintain that lie right up until your death so that just in case there's a judgment afterward you'll burn

  3. I just saw Deadly Women on I.D. and Kimberly is so right. Robin your six year old son died, they all died the same death. They all had enoromous amounts of life insurance. You are where you belong. Well I read on another page you were crying about being secluded from the other inmates. You deserve it...

    1. I saw this case on the New Detectives (Betrayed)

  4. You are SO guilty, Robin Lee Rowe! Guilty in a way that leaves no room in my mind for doubt. You are not like the West Memphis Three or any of the people who are freed via the Innocence Project because they were innocent. The police did an exceptional job making sure they had everything they needed to convict you of those crimes, and that $245,000 in life insurance you took out on your two kids and your husband plus the fact you rented a storage unit not long before the fire BOTH are hugely suspicious, PLUS you used your poor friend as an alibi when you sneaked out from her house to start that fire. The death penalty's too good for you. I hope you spend a long time in misery in general population for what you did to those innocent lives.

  5. A mother killing her children for money, not once, but TWICE many years apart. There is nothing more despicable, more evil. The one person in all the world that those children looked to for love & protection.

    It is inconceivable to me how this thing masquerading as a human being, could have the nerve to even speak of those little angels. It should be led into the courtyard, doused in gasoline & set ablaze!

    There is a special place in hell for these monsters.

    Innocent? I don't think I've ever seen a rock solid case that left absolutely no doubt who the perpetrator was. The evidence in this case was as strong as if the whole crime had been videotaped!

    One example? Robin just happened to have been conveniently spending the night on an acquaintance's couch. Middle of the night Robin wakes her friend telling her that 'she senses something terribly wrong an they need to go to Robins house immediately'. When they arrive, sure enough her house in in flames with her 2 children & current husband inside. Taking her supposed esp one step further, she asks the fire fighters why the smoke alarms didn't go off??!!!! Of course there is no possible way Robin could have known that unless Robin was in fact the perpetrator. IMO that was her children, speaking through her, ensuring she pays for what she has done.

  6. .... I failed to mention the little baby girl that also died of SIDS in the care of this monster. One only has to wonder whom else died at the hands of Robin.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You sound just like the sociopath you are. My sympathy goes to the people who have been killed by you. You think you are smarter then the rest of us? Haha The jokes on you!! You sure know how to mimic a human being, but you are not one.

  9. There is no doubt in my mind that this was not perpetrated by Robin and the whole thing was a setup by the police department and Joan McQue. Believe that this whole story is not known and you are stupid if you believe just what you read without ever knowing the person or any of the circumstances in her life. This was not brought out at trail and the judge was and has always been prejudiced and didn't give the defense the time and money that would have proven her innocent. And it was a setup from the start as there was no theft that they originally charged her with. And with the taping of Joan, an ex-con who had written bad checks that were forgotten in exchange for her testimony against Robin was part of the setup and she was being told what to say by Raney. And it should never have been allowed into court. THIS IS A BIG LIE.

    1. Sorry, your bs post only convinced me that you are not very intelligent.

  10. It is people like you that make me in favor of the death penalty. I hope there is a hell and you burn there.

  11. I'm feeling sooo HAPPY knowing we all agree that Robin Rowe is no more than an evil murderer who deserves no sympathy. Although I'm not gung-ho 'bout the death penalty, when folks like her get put down I'm not feeling any sorrow.

  12. I sure as hell don't give you any.

  13. Robin Row deserves no ones sympathy! She deserves nothing but scorn and the death penalty to be carried out! 20 years....Crazy!

  14. Someone forgot to mention that the father of Joshua was the fireman who pulled Robin out of the fire that the other boy died in. She was at home she was also in the fire. Seems that they forgot to tell that part. Hmm, wonder what else they "FORGOT" to tell about her life during that time. Judge not least ye be judged, that trial was not fair and the judge was so prejudiced that things that would have put a completely different look on the case was not allowed. It was a set up and she went in front of the same judge several times. that is not fair.

  15. I remember the night Robin Rowe killed her family in a fire. I was sitting with my wife and older daughter on the sofa watching the news on a Boise TV. I will never forget seeing Robin on TV that night weeping and wailing over he loss of her family in the fire. Her eyes looked directly into the TV camera and I told my wife and daughter, “I don’t know why she is acting like she is upset because she started the fire.” Both my wife and daughter said almost simultaneously, “Oh John (Dad), what an awful thing to say!” To this day I still cannot say how I knew but her eyes literally spoke to me. This is something I will neither fully understand nor forget.


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