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Showing posts from November, 2009

Can this be?

Why didnt anyone care about this 6 year olds death? What happened to her? Who killed her? in reference to: Ugly Girl Killed | The Onion - America's Finest News Source ( view on Google Sidewiki )
Besides fighting for womens rights and the rights of women inmates Im a mom and a writer. Im always looking for mom sites that can appeal to all angles of my personality. I found Five Minuets for Mom last year and have been a reader ever since. I like it because its  not all sappy and silly. Its more than just talk about things kids do and soap operas and house cleaning. There are relevant articles that really help. They are currently giving away an HP desktop that freaking rocks.
My home state is about to execute its sixth person since 2000. Cecil C. Johnson Jr was 23 when in 1980 he walked into a convenience store and shot dead three people, including a twelve year old boy. He is now 53 and about to realize his punishment. The robbery netted him about $200. He shot the store owners son and killed him as his father looked on, wounded. Johnson then went outside and killed two bystanders who could have been witnesses. Johnsons own father turned him in and the store owner identified him in court. In 1987 Johnson was convicted of a beating death while in prison. His execution is set for Wednesday and I do  not forsee any intervention.
I just finished Leo Damore's book about Antone Costa. What a strange fellow he was. He killed and raped and dismembered at least four women. He was axtremly slippery and sneaky guy. After reading the book I googled around for him and found a post written by his son, Peter, talking about his father. in reference to: "a semi-autobiographical novel written by the man convicted of the murders, Antone "Tony" Costa. One chapter described two of the murders." - Cape Cod Confidential : Antone "Tony" Costa, In His Own Words ( view on Google Sidewiki )

What happened?

Another 15 year old girl murderess. What happened to her. I cant find anymore info after she was indicted. in reference to: "Sharell Butler, a.k.a., Lady Red: The making of alleged teen 'killer'" - Sharell Butler, a.k.a., Lady Red: The making of alleged teen 'killer' ( view on Google Sidewiki )

What happened?

What has happened to this girl? I cant find any information after she was indicted. in reference to: Sharell Butler, a.k.a., Lady Red: The making of alleged teen 'killer' ( view on Google Sidewiki )
Here she is folks, 15-year-old Alyssa Bustamante, who dug a grave and then waited a week for the right time to kill a 9 year old girl for no other reason but for the experience. She confessed and led police to the body. Missouri will not sentence her to death. We know already that she has been treated for mental issues and raised in an unstable family by a grandparent. She has attempted suicide on previous occassions. If she had been treated correctly previously would her 9 year old victim still be alive?

Determining factors

What are the determining factors to decide if she is tried as an adult? Besides the psychological testing, I mean. What exactly are they looking for to make that decision? in reference to:,2933,569416,00.html ( view on Google Sidewiki )
The Justice Department said yesterday the self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other Guantanamo Bay detainees will be sent to New York to face trial in a civilian federal court. They are currently charged before military commissions with conspiring to commit the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people. "After eight years of delay, those allegedly responsible for the attacks of September the 11th will finally face justice," Attorney General Eric Holder said this morning. "They will be brought to New York to answer to their alleged crimes in a courthouse just blocks away from where the Twin Towers once stood." NBC New York Story
I live about 30 minutes from where Judy Neelley was raised and lived her life before Alvin. I was especially curious as to how someone from my little corner of the world could turn into a rapist and murderer. I visited her old neighborhood, talked with her family and the people who remembered her. I yearned to talk to Judy herself. I felt a kinship with her, but I was also curious as hell. I wondered what she had to say about the events leading up to her incarceration. I knew I was taking a chance that she would even want to tell her story to me. I was surprised when she wrote me back. Judith Ann Adams Neelley was born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. What is now a thriving metropolis, virtually indistinguishable from the bright lights of Nashville, was nothing more than a wide spot in the road when Judy came into it. Murfreesboro ate, drank, and slept Nashville in those days and made its living off the city’s back. Around every corner was a “Grand Ole’ Opry” liquor store or a Loretta
I started writing to Judith Neelley in 2005 after I learned of her story by chance. It was while I was researching the case of Christa Pike who, at age eighteen was the youngest woman on death row. I stumbled across the book “Early Graves” by Thomas Cook. It is the story of Judy and Alvin Neelley and the crimes they committed. The cover blurb shouted out “Shocking True Crime- The Youngest Woman Ever on Death Row” – and I was hooked. I ordered a used copy from Amazon and devoured it in twenty-four hours. I learned Judy was born thirty minutes from me and had attended the same elementary school as the children of several of my friends. The book covered the couple’s life of crime with the emphasis being on Judy. I also read about how reed thin Judy brutalized and abused her 280-pound, and by all accounts, charmer of a husband. Apparently Judy, was able to coerce Alvin into committing rape and murder both with her and without her. I pondered this for a while. While I read the book I
What would you say if I told you that you could be a cold blooded killer? A murderer. Would you believe me? Its a scary thought but many people believe that every single one of us could be a murderer if the circumstances were there. You might think to yourself, "well, if my child were in danger or if it were a life or death situation..." But what about other circumstances? I know a young woman who sits on death row now for the murder of her boyfriends parents. She was 17 at the time and he was 22. She was very caught up in the love and attention she recieved from him and would have followed him blindly into hell, happily. Now that is exactly where she is. Years later she wonders how she ever did what she did. Then there is Andrea Yates and Susan Smith, who killed their children. Each received very different punishments. One deemed insane, the other a monster. Then there is Christa Pike who sits on death row for the killing of a rival for her boyfriends attention. Her