Good News From Darlie's Mom A letter from Darlie Routiers mom: Dear Friends and Supporters, The family met this week with Darlie's attorneys. They gave us hope as to future DNA testing through the federal courts and also encouragement about the CCA's recent ruling to allow Darlie limited testing of DNA on some evidence. It is a small step and it will be a long battle to get most of the testing we want, but I believe it will happen. Darlie's federal judge, Royal Ferguson, was also the Judge on the Michael Blair case. For those of you that are not familiar with this Dallas case, many of the experts and prosecutors on his case have been involved in Darlie's. Michael was on death row for supposedly murdering a child. He was found guilty by witnesses and police officers that lied and experts that were inept and just plain wrong. Michael case was overturned after 14 years through DNA testing. This gives me hope that Judge Ferguson will see the same situation in Darlie...