I thought it had been a while since the last nut came out of the woodwork. I checked my email this morning to find that one has indeed squeezed out to dispense some of that well-known wit and wisdom I so missed. I debated printing her name but have decided to give the little precious a chance to leave me alone first. She berated me for some of the things Ive said about some of the girls and printing their letters. Just in case there is another little nut in the wings somewhere drumming up the nerve and breaking out their dictionary for a nice long email tirade on the injustices I purport on this blog let me answer them here for everyone. Why do I write these women and then complain about them? Because I feel for them, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes and am all to aware that in the USA it could very well happen. I reach out to them and offer support emotionally and financially. Sometimes they get weird on me. Sometimes they do nutty, crazy shit that pisses me off. I once had Si...