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Paul Bernardo is not going to write me back. Im just torn over it. I really wanted to talk with him. Maybe it was the Hello Kitty stationary. I thought it was cute.
Damn. Maybe Ill try again another day. I am upset tho. Not only because of Paul but also because I had written to Nicole Diar, Brenda Andrew, Debra Milke and Denise Brown. None of whom have written me back. Im disgusted.

So I've been cooking a lot. I think when I cook. Ive come up with some of my very best thoughts when cooking. I have been known to throw together up some pretty good ideas if the recipe is long enough. The more difficult the dish the harder my brain works, I guess.

So I have made a lot of food and done some house cleaning, took the daughter some cupcakes and soda to school to celebrate her birthday,did some laundry, cooked huby some lunch, visited with my dad nd checed my email.

During all tis I have talked mysel into quitting my contet writing job and concenrating on my book for the next month. Hubby says its a great idea and I feel like it really needs to be done. It wont get written until I write it, does that make sence or is that some kind of wierd writers logic?

So, here I go- Im working on my book- oh yes I am.


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